
Was I Safe? Letter


Posted On: January 18, 2016
Posted On: January 17, 2016
Posted On: January 17, 2016
Posted On: January 17, 2016


Via Email:


Jan 09, 2016

Mark: Hi Bianca, so that you know my intentions in advance. If we do find that we do click and feel mutually attracted, I would really be keen to start an arrangement and take my profile down. It will be great to have a chance of meeting you today at last.

Bianca: I feel the same. I don't like having the profile on there. Guys on there are a little creepy. Can I ask you something? I just noticed you aren't background checked. Is there a reason for this? I just want to be sure I'm safe.

Mark: Why should I get a background check? Look, I'll give you my real name and you can look me up. I'm Dr. Mark Reilly.

Bianca: Wow. Just googled you. You're kind of well known for your medical career? That's pretty cool.

Mark: Thank you for your kind words, Bianca. I love what I do and simply love helping women.
I am looking for a single arrangement, as the two previous long term ones I had were edifying and immensely enjoyable for both parties. Did you have a chance about the specifics of what you'd like to have in an arrangement?

Bianca: I was thinking if we click...we could meet once a week for a fun date and have a good time together. Obviously I have a job but it's been a struggle to support myself. I remember putting that I needed moderate support, which was $5k a month I believe? I had someone offer $10k but really I would rather it be less with someone who I connect with more. You seem very sweet.

Mark: Bianca, this is well within the realm of what I can offer. Hence, from that perspective we are good to go. Can you travel or would you be interested in travelling? I travel a lot internationally and 95% of the time, I go solo.

Bianca: My bags are packed

Mark: I'd love to have some company with me. Someone I really connect with. I have an uncanny feeling that we'll connect. I may well be wrong, but that's how I feel.

Bianca: Maybe it was meant to be with the timing of things

Mark: I need to explain something to you, however. I am not after a purely sexual arrangement. What I am after is that sparkle that I used to have in my life...It's a tall order, I accept that. But I believe that if the right person is found, anything is possible...If we are crazy enough (and plan things well enough) there would not be anything that would prevent us from doing it... I mean it. If you feel like coming to any of the trips, it is absolutely do-able. My former arrangement went to Amsterdam, Berlin, London and Turks and Caicos with me.

Bianca: Sounds like heaven

Mark: One last point that I need to make and it's very important for me... the most important element to the success of relationships of this nature is rigorous honesty. I am absolutely certain that you have received hundreds of messages in that website and that there are many other blokes with a much greater financial fire power than I have. What I can offer is something that is possibly a tad more intellectually challenging and honest than most other men there can.
May I ask you something? I know it's rather presumptuous at this stage. But if we do click, would you be open to meet up again before I go to London on Wed?

Bianca: I'd be up for meeting again before Wed. If we click that is

Mark: Excellent. I'll see you in an hour at the Carlisle.

Bianca: Sounds great

Mark: Bianca, what an immense pleasure to meet you today. I must admit that I would love to spend more time with you even today. I have an uncanny feeling that this is the beginning of something rather special.